In July, the WMU challenged each family between July 25th and August 25th to shop for and pack two shoe boxes as everyone is shopping for back to school items. It's a great way to get the kids involved in this mission project during the summer. Mt. Olivet has set the goal of 200 shoeboxes during this Shoebox Challenge and so far we have collected 45 shoeboxes.
Are you feeling stuck on what to pack in the boxes? Boxes can include a "wow" item, school supplies, clothing and accessorites, personal care items, and crafts and activies. More information on what to pack and how to pack can be found here (https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/pack-a-shoe-box/). Shoeboxes are available all around the church and completed boxes can be left by the Christmas tree in the Fellowship Hall. Some ideas or Thank you for participating in this challenge and for helping to give God’s greatest gift, His son, to children everywhere through a simple shoebox gift!