We are excited to announce, we will be holding a baby/child dedication this year on Mother's Day, May 12, 2024. It has been a few years since we have held this special event so we welcome any parent who would like to dedicate their baby or child at this dedication.
What is the purpose of a Baby/Child Dedication?
Child dedication is a commitment you make before God, as parents, to give thanks to God and raise your children according to God's purpose. We as a church and congregation partner with you as your child grows and develops their own personal relationship with God. To that end, we offer a dedication service designed to help you commit to raising your child to find and follow God!
Is my child too old?
Typically these dedications have been held for babies, but because we have not held one in a few years, we welcome any age child. Pastor Ben will be dedicating his three with Abigail being 4 years old. If you have questions as to your child being the correct age, please reach out to Pastor Ben or Karen Morris. We will be glad to talk with you and assist in helping your decision.
I would like my child dedicated, what do I need to do?
If you would like your child to be dedicated, please reach out to Pastor Ben or Karen Morris by Sunday, May 5th, so we can gather the correct information from you and include your family in the service. You may also contact the church office.